Hotel di Lusso
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Zhongshan Langda Hotel(Zhongshan Guzhen International Lighting Center)
Intersection of Gushen Road and Dongxing East Road, 528412
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Cosa offre questo posto
Servizi e comodità
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
27 m²
Smart Room (Double bed)
1 queen bed
28 m²
Smart Executive Room (Double bed)
1 queen bed
38 m²
Family Friendly Themed Room
2 single beds
28 m²
Couples'Room (Double bed)
1 queen bed
25 m²
Guestroom - Garden-View (Double bed)
1 queen bed
38 m²
Executive Double Room
1 queen bed
55 m²
Business Suite
2 single beds
25 m²
Deluxe Panoramic Twin Room
2 single beds
25 m²
Deluxe Garden-view double Room
1 queen bed
50 m²
Superior Suite
1 queen bed
Zhongshan Langda Hotel(Zhongshan Guzhen International Lighting Center)
Zhongshan, Cina
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